Tween Machine v1.2.0 Big Bug Fixes (Error at 102 & Dupe Last Frame) Please update!

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well. I come to you with a muchly needed update for The Tween Machine.

This update includes major bug fixes that seemed to have escaped my grasp!

Though the tool seems to work (somehow) most the time in it's older state it is highly recommended to update to this current version as it is working as intended!



1) For those that ran in to the cc_interpolate line 102 nil field bug... this has been fixed! It was a very rare set of conditions that would cause an issue to happen and the whole script would error out. Luckily with some additional info from PixelArtStudent I was able to reproduce and fix that up!

See bug report here:

This update should produce better results! (Please let me know if something breaks XD)

2) For a long time there has been an issue where the last in-between frame would match the second keyframe, this would produce a slight halt or pause in the animation. This has been addressed and is now correctly calculating all the way to the end. Providing nice and smooth animations with less fuss!

3)Known Issue: Double check your magic wand settings when using this tool. The tool uses the magic wand to do some selections, be sure that it is set to only active layer only otherwise it might not work as expected during motion tweens. I will be looking for a work around for this.

Though there is only a couple bugs here they are actually quite fundamental to how the tool functions. Be sure to grab this update!

If you do find any issues please be sure to reach out and/or submit a bug report so I can continue to look in to what is going on as it happens!

Bugs / Feature Requests:

Please check out the new issues page if you find any bugs or want to make a feature request!

Changes to Image Tweens Tab:

To create better parity, image tweens have been restructured to work like motion tweens. The tool will now ONLY effect the in-between frames when Creating New or Modifying Existing.  

This means much like setting the position  (in motion tweens) of your first and last keyframes in a pair,  before tweening, this will also need to be done when setting the hue amount that will change per keyframe pair. 

DLDR; Remember to set your keyframes and that the tool only effects in-between and hopefully this makes sense as a whole :D

(See gif above)

Thank you for all your support and I will see you in the next update!! :D

PS. With Aseprite v1.3 being released there will be some big refreshes to my tools! I plan to offer both Aseprite 1.2 (current tools) and 1.3 versions of my tools IF using the new features not in 1.2 (tile sets and new dialog features especially!)


The Tween Machine v1.2.0 21 kB
Dec 01, 2023

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